Badassery Magazine Issue 5 October | Page 49

WHERE THE CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS MIND INTERSECT The critical line is the thin line of the iceberg that is just on the surface of the water. It separates your conscious from your unconscious mind. Our communication is improved when we make our conscious and unconscious minds collaborate, i.e. when we manage to move freely over the critical line. Have you ever noted how some introverts become extroverts after a couple of cocktails? How they suddenly speak with ease and freely? Well, there, the critical line has been inhibited: obviously, alcohol is not the only way to do so. This is something I practice with my clients. When we are facing a given situation, our mind acts like a computer and uses our unconscious mind to analyze the data received through our nervous system and senses. To analyze the data, our unconscious mind will use all of our past experiences’ references. Therefore, each one of us will have a unique representation of a situation. However, we all have our own typical way of representing a situation to ourselves. Some people have to see relationships between things. Some people will need to hear it. Some people will need a grasp or a feel for it. While some others would need to have things explained and spelled out to be able to move forward. QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU BRIDGE THE COMMUNICATION GAP WITH YOUR CLIENTS, FRIENDS & FAMILY: If you are a speaker are your visuals good enough to captivate those who need to see things? Are you incorporating well-structured and original stories for those who need to hear it out? If you’re selling an online service, are you giving enough details for it to be fully understood? About the Author For example, haven’t you ever been to a party and thought it was awful? However, the next day you talk to a friend about it and she says that it was amazing? I used to be upset when I tried to explain things to my partner and he did not get it. I felt like I was speaking to a wall. However it is not the case, firstly, my process of logical implications is different than his. Secondly, I need to feel things and as such, it will often be about feelings and thoughts when I am talking to him, whereas he is not and rather prefers to see things. For example, if I talk to my boyfriend about putting our sofa against a different wall of our living room, he needs to see how the sofa would actually look there. There’s no point discussing it for hours. Once we have developed an understanding of our mind and of how we all have a unique way of representing things, it helps us communicate better with family, friends or clients. It is important that we communicate in a way that is meaningful to a wide range of our audience. Fiorenza Rossini’s greatest passion is to help you shift from overwhelming feelings to fulfillment and balance in your life. In a way that feels true and actionable to you. Fiorenza is a certified NLP & life coach. She will make you shine by providing you with clear steps to transform your limiting beliefs and improve your mindset.  