Badassery Magazine Issue 5 October | Page 38

HOW ONLINE PROGRAMS CHANGED MY LIFE by Donna Ashton E arly on, I discovered that homeschooling was my family’s path. We loved it! My twin girls were blossoming and I was enjoying doing activities with them and watching them learn. Then the 2009 recession hit our family- my husband was laid off his job in the building industry. We couldn’t make it on his unemployment, and luckily we had a bit of savings to hold us for a few 37 months. But as our account quickly drained, we were in trouble. If I took a job, we would have to put the girls in school and that was not an option for me. Suddenly, the security we had felt was gone and I was scared. We live in a tourist resort town, so I began cleaning beach houses on the weekends. My hus-