Badassery Magazine Issue 4 September | Page 22

Now you ’ ve set your financial goals , track your progress against them with eagle-eyed intent . Every month , set up a reoccurring calendar invite for a dedicated day where you do nothing but check on your financial progress . It doesn ’ t matter if you need to be lubricated with a frothy coffee and a bag of donuts to get through it ; what matters is that you show up and commit .
To kick off this day , I take a sheet of A3 paper and draw a thick black line down the middle . On the left I write ‘ Income ’. On the right I write ‘ Expenses ’. Then , I list all my income and expenses for the month on the relevant side . The first test is whether my income is more than my expenses . If so , it ’ s a good start .
Then , I go in deeper by asking myself a set list of questions . Is my income more or less than my goal / last month / last year ? If not , why not ? Are my expenses higher or lower than I thought ? Where is the bulk of my income coming from ? Am I surprised by any of these answers ? Am I getting closer to my ‘ living my life ’ goals ?
The whole day is meaningless unless I ’ m brutally honest with myself . At the end of the day , I ’ m the boss and it ’ s up to me to understand my finances ; if I don ’ t , the universe won ’ t do it for me .
Having worked through the numbers in as much detail as I can handle , I distill the day into five actions I need to take to get closer to my financial goals , and set deadlines for each . The enemy of business growth is letting important actions drift , so I like to write down my goals to make them feel more real . I also have a small group of like-minded lady bosses who I check in with to see how we can help each other to get to where we want to be . I ’ m a firm believer that a true boss works with other bosses to raise one another up so nobody gets left behind .