Badassery Magazine Issue 11 April 2017 | 页面 46

How to Master the Hustle by Mallory Jordan A s women, we rarely wear one hat. We identify our sex as the masters of multi- tasking. Businesswoman? Check. Fashionista? Check. Personal chef? Check. Caring partner? Check. Friend therapist? Check. Wine enthusiast? Double check. And, the list goes on. These multifaceted personalities often thrive on constantly being productive and focused on a task or two at a time. But, this work ethic can often lead to a burn out or neglect of personal develop- ment. When the hustle doesn’t stop, the hustlers must readjust. If you want to keep your motivation movin’, it’s invaluable to take time out of your day to take care of you. Luckily, spending time on yourself can still fit into your regularly scheduled program. BEAT THE ALARM When you wake up in the morn- ing, is the first thing you do check your phone, paint on your work face, or crawl to your home office 45 computer? Stop hitting snooze and instead, rewind the clock 30-45 min. I know it might sound miser- able at first, but it’s a habit worth starting. Spend the morning with yourself doing an activity that puts your head in a positive mindset for the day; read, practice yoga, or simply sit in glorious silence with a cup of coffee. Wake up looking forward to your start of the day. But, do you pause during your daily hustle to refuel your body? Often we work so hard that we forget to eat. Munch at your desk or set a lunch alarm if you have to, but don’t skip a meal. And, try to make it on the healthier side. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll only have the energy to pass out at the end of the day instead of living your life. PUT ON YOUR LIPSTICK Confidence is key to success. We all have our own get #werk done outfit hanging in our clos- et. For some, it’s sweatpants. For others, it’s heels and bright red lipstick. Whether you are work- ing from home or commuting to a Downtown office, get dressed in the morning. Even if it’s merely switching from your pajamas to yoga pants with a bra under that v-neck and a brush of mascara, adding a layer of confidence to your ensemble keeps morale and motivation up. CHECK THE CALENDAR Planner, cell phone, whiteboard, what have you. Keep a calendar as meticulous or general as suits your needs. I don’t have to tell you to not miss important meet- ings. What you probably do need reminding of is to finish your workday at a reasonable hour. Set standard work hours for yourself. Plan out your weekly schedule to get your to-do list checked off at the designated end time of your days. Your hustle will falter if you work through until it is bedtime most weeknights. DRINK A CUP OF COFFEE You indulge in that “but first, coffee” tradition each morning. HIT THE ON SWITCH Turn on your computer and get to work. Don’t dawdle on Facebook