Badassery Magazine Issue 11 April 2017 | Page 45

decided on pricing, as well as time spent delivering the prod- uct or service? After all, time is money. Does your pricing reflect your operating costs? side business support personnel may include accountants, mar- keters, lawyers, service repair, insurance agents, coaches, sup- pliers, and so forth. 3. Sales and Marketing Strat- egies. How are you acquiring your clients? This section should detail all forms of marketing, including your website and social media. The most important part is the metrics of past strategies. What worked and what did not. Meaning which strategies netted you clients. 5. Development. While every other section is based on facts, here is where you can dream. What are planning to offer in the future? This holds space for you make those plans. 4. Day-To-Day Operations. What does it take to run your business? Overhead, start up costs, employees, outside support professionals, salary (yours), and end game. Unless you plan on working until the day you die, you must plan for the end of your business. That’s retirement and/ or sale of your business. Your business will command a higher price if you can demonstrate its value through documentation, such as yearly updated business plans and tax returns. Your out- My future plans for Spirited Dog Productions will focus on intro- ducing a consistent line of re- corded and live online workshops geared towards the pet profes- sionals, as well as pet owners. 6. Financial summary. If you have not started your business, then income is projections based on similar businesses. No detail is too small. Account for every penny. The health of your busi- ness depends on your familiarity with your financial summary. Accounting software makes this easier than you think. Income should be separated divided by every thing you sell or offered service. When you track each income stream individually, you can see what is making money and what is not. Are you allocat- ing resources that are not adding to your bottom line? You’ll know that if you track your expenses. 7. Business Summary. Sums up your business in easy to read bullet points. Most financial institutions, investors, or pro- spective buyers will read this first before making the decision to read further. A written (or typed) business plan gives you the tools to make intelligent decisions regarding the future of your business based on real time analysis rather than conjecture and guesswork. It adds measurable value to your business.  About the Author Mary’s been involved in the pet industry since 1999 and has owned her own business since 2002. She grooms, she writes, she speaks within the professional pet industry. Mary also is a Reiki Master, as well as an Advanced Crystal Master. To get an appointment with her helps if you have four legs or feathers. However, Mary networks with the 2 legged variety.     44