Badassery Magazine Issue 11 April 2017 | Page 34

Think About This the Next Time You Want To Say NO by Michelle Cornish I learned a valuable lesson today. Well, actually, I’ve learned this lesson many times before but I needed a reminder in a big way. Saying “NO” is necessary! You don’t have to yell it like I just did but you can say “no” anytime you feel like it and you certainly shouldn’t feel bad about it. If you don’t set boundaries for yourself, I don’t know who will. I’m a sucker for a sob story and my friends know this about me! 33 Last week my friend asked me to help her out today. She said she didn’t have anyone else to help and that she didn’t know what she was going to do. After check- ing with my husband to see if he could watch the kids I offered to help. I’m really not sure why. I didn’t want to. Today I realized that I asked my husband to watch the kids so I could go help a friend when I could have spent the four hours I spent with my friend working on my website. Do you know how much I can get done in four hours!!! FOUR HOURS!!!! This is huge. I realized that I’m not comfortable asking my husband to watch the kids so I can get more work done but because I’m doing a favour for someone that makes it ok. Where is the log- ic here? Helping out my friend doesn’t contribute to my family life or income but working on my website sure would. Not only did I spend four hours