Badassery Magazine Issue 10 March 2017 | Page 49

About the Author
Century challenge is to create a Ritual that is tailored to your needs , what you want to achieve and what you want to create as a habit . You need to commit to doing them throughout the whole 40 days ; that includes the weekends . In addition to your daily Ritual I recommend that you also have weekly Rituals and something that you give up !
The Ritual is a nonnegotiable practice . You get out of this challenge what you put in ! You can ’ t just dabble and expect miracles ; you wouldn ’ t expect to be a master pianist after only one piano lesson would you ? Same rules apply !
Ideally your Rituals need to have a combination of exercise , nutrition and self-reflection . If you don ’ t already formally self-reflect I cannot recommend enough that you start ASAP , it will have a massive impact on your business . Yes meditation really is the quickest , simplest and easiest way to completely revolutionise your life but also keep a diary ! You ’ ll be surprised by how much you will learn about yourself when you start recording your thoughts .
You need to make a declaration to yourself ; What do you want to install into yourself as a natural habit ? What can you commit to doing every day for 40 days to do this ?
Once you have completed your Sadhana , these habits will be completely ingrained into you , so regardless of how busy business gets ; your self-care routine is so embedded into you , you will not stop it as soon as your hours get hard !
So what does a Sadhana look like ? My January 2017 Sadhana consists of ;
Daily ( morning ); 5 rounds of Sun Salutations , 15 minute Kundalini Meditation , journaling and drinking a hot lemon and ginger .
Weekly : Exercise Monday , Wednesday and Friday ’ s , an hour of writing new book , read for an hour and have a relaxing day off .
I gave up weeknight red wine drinking ( this was the hardest )!
After the gluttonous and sloth laden Christmas holidays , this Sadhana has completely reset my mindset and my health . It was a
great way to start the year . Sadhana ’ s do not have to be just for this purpose , you could tailor your Rituals to work on any passion you have or to hold yourself accountable to creating the things you keep putting off . They are versatile and personal and whatever Rituals you decide on ; they are powerful .
It is so easy to motivate yourself to doing something for just 40 days , because there is an end in sight , you won ’ t just put it off for tomorrow and you will ingrain your Rituals into your psyche , it ’ s a win win win !
I do fully supported Sadhana programs where I will hold you accountable to make sure you stick to it and seriously concrete some habits into your subconscious . Head over to my Facebook page on : https :// www . facebook . com / PragmaticPaths / to find out about the next round of Sadhana ’ s are kicking off so you can kick some ass ! apple

About the Author

I am a 28 year old woman from the bottom of the Cotswolds , UK and I am on a mission to motivate , inspire and empower others to create the life that they want ! I am the go-to ‘ online friend ’ for women who feel stuck in life . An industry expert that sells pragmatic online products that gives people vital tools and tips to build healthy habits to transform themselves and their lives the easy way . I do workshops and 1-2-1 coaching in subjects around self-love , positive self-image , going after your dreams , creating goals using feelings rather than materialism as a compass , increasing self awareness , being your authentic self and becoming self-confident . Helping people help themselves !
www . alisonhurman . com