Badassery Magazine Issue 10 March 2017 | Page 13

Body Positivity is a growing ‘ industry ’ of sorts , and I am so excited to watch it thrive , because it matters . Self love is important . Positive self talk is important . Body positivity is important . What I love most about the body positivity community is that it isn ’ t one dimensional , it ’ s multi faceted . We have ‘ BoPo ’ for men , for women , for tall bodies and short bodies , for bodies that are big and bodies that are small , for bodies with stretch marks and cellulite , and pimples , and scars , and freckles , and all the other wonderful little ‘ imperfections ’ that make us unique .

I care about all of these things . I care about the fact that body positivity tells me that my scars are okay , and that I am allowed to have big , shiny stretch marks ( tiger stripes , if you will ) on my
boobs , my bum , and wherever else they feel like hanging out . I care about the fact the pimple on my left cheek ( that I ’ m 90 % sure is large enough to soon sprout it ’ s own personality and start talking to me ) does not make me ugly , it ’ s just another part of this cool body that I get to live in . I care about body positivity that reminds me of the fact that being able to see all the super awesome things the world has to offer is better than wandering around , bumping into things even more than usual , because I ’ m not wearing any glasses .
You know what else I care about ? I care about disability representation in body positivity . I am a person with a disability . In my mind , I am not a disabled person , I ’ m all about being defined as , not by , baby , but I get to talk about it , because my amazing body does not always know what it ’ s doing .
My amazing body sometimes forgets that it is not supposed to interpret this thing that is fine as a massive threat , freak right out , tear down the furniture , and trash the place . My body sometimes forgets that is allowed to just be chilled out for a little bit , and it doesn ’ t always have to be doing something new and fancy . My body sometimes forgets that , although I have vowed to love it regardless of what it does , I would rather that all of its joints stayed in the spots they ’ re supposed to be , thank you very much . In a lot of ways , it ’ s kind of like having a teenage child , you love them , but you wish they ’ d listen to some more respectable music , you know ?
I am not alone . Lots of people