Ayrshire College Outcome Agreements | Page 10

SFC strategic aim – Access to all Reducing gender disparities 35. Challenging gender stereotypes in career and learning choices is a key objective in the College’s strategic plan and in 2015-16 we will build on a range of activities in 2014-15 to make progress on this. Ayrshire College has a good track record on gender balance with a genderbalanced Board of Management (50:50), senior management team (50:50), a female principal and three out of four vice principals are female. The three Student Presidents are women and the region benefits from strong female industry and public sector leaders, and a very proactive Association of Ayrshire Business Women. Therefore, the College has a rich pool of role models from which to draw, as we continue to inspire women to succeed in their chosen course and career. 36. The College will continue to promote case studies of women in leadership, as well as women who have forged success in non-traditional industries. In 2014-15, we promoted case studies of women in STEM through the regional press, on social media and via the College blog which is attracting a wide readership. In 2015-16, the College will:      Run a series of targeted campaigns to help us attract females into male-dominated areas, and males into female-dominated areas Enlist female and male industry champions to encourage young men and women to think differently about careers Work with primary schools, eg through Primary Engin Y\