Australian Stonefruit Grower Magazine Issue 3 December 2016 | страница 22


Flesh good , kernels bad : apricots under the microscope

All stonefruit are rich in phytochemicals . Readers will already be familiar with the Queen Garnet plum , which is incredibly high in anthocyanins – potent anti-oxidants with many potential benefits for human health .

Apricots also contain high levels of natural anti-oxidants , including polyphenols , anthocyanins and flavonols . Apricot puree has been found to contain 606mg / 100g , 697mg / 100g and 429mg / 100g anti-oxidant compounds , compared to 697mg / 100g in plums and 429mg / 100g in peaches .

Apricots could therefore find themselves investigated as part of the newly announced $ 10 million ‘ Naturally Nutritious ” research project . Funded through Hort Innovation Australia , the University of Queensland and the Queensland Government , this is the same team that discovered the Queen Garnet ‘ superplum ’ as well as developed a SuperGold sweetcorn that protects against macular degeneration .
While the flesh of apricots is undoubtedly good for you , the kernels are not . Apricot kernels have been widely promoted by alternative medicine groups as a cure for cancer . They claim that this is due to the presence of amygdalin ( marketed as Laetrile ), which kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells untouched .
In fact , despite years of research , there is no scientific evidence that amygdalin cures cancer .
Apricot kernels contain high levels of a toxin , cyanogenic glycoside , which can release cyanide into the body when eaten .
However , it is absolutely certain that eating apricot kernels can cause cyanide poisoning . There have been several documented cases of poisoning , and even death , linked to amygdalin .
According to FSANZ CEO Steve McCutcheon “ Apricot kernels contain high levels of a toxin , cyanogenic glycoside , which can release cyanide into the body when eaten . I think consuming a very small amount of raw apricot kernels can cause potentially life threatening cyanide poisoning ”.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand ( FSANZ ) outlawed sale of apricot kernels as food in December 2015 . Before the ban , about 20,000kg of apricot kernels were being sold for human consumption in Australia every year .
Despite its prohibition , sale of imported kernels ( usually from Turkey or Armenia ) has continued . In October this year a second NSW business was fined for on-line sales of apricot kernels as a cancer treatment . Other businesses have also continued to trade , although the kernels are marked as being for cosmetic use only .
In summary , apricots are good for you . But stick to the fresh fruit ; imported kernels will do far more harm than good .
22 Australian Stonefruit Grower | December 2016 summerfruit . com . au