Attune Magazine January 2013 | Page 87

Look at the lover’s card: Two naked people are standing outside. The woman is looking up toward a huge angel in the sky, Archangel Raphael, the healing angel and above her is the Sun. The man is looking at the woman. This means that the male energy needs to receive direction from intuition, which is usually thought of as feminine energy. That is why he is looking at her while she receives direction and esoteric knowledge through her Higher Self and Archangel Raphael. Each of us has male and female energy within, so when we talk about feminine intuition, know we all have it whether we’re male or female. The Lovers suggests spiritual growth through expressions of man’s feminine nature and looking within.

Behind the woman is the tree of temptation filled with fruit that God told her not to eat. This is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. God named everything and named it good.

Before Eve ate the fruit, they were innocent and knew nothing about evil. Is there such a thing as Evil? Whenever we name something that’s what we believe. So if we name evil - negativity, worries; fear, lack or worse then we’re only seeing it as doom and gloom, only thinking the worst, dragging ourselves down becoming more fearful. What if we could see these as opportunities for growth instead of becoming pessimistic? What if we see our fears as opportunities, to overcome our negativity, and solving our worries? Sure sometimes this is painful, and sometimes it feels like we’ve lost everything but we often don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone like when Adam and Eve were banished from the garden.

The Lovers is associated with the astrological sign Gemini, the twins; God, Goddesses, our subconscious selves and our super conscious selves, communication. Remember the Angel above the Lovers and think how much easier our lives would be if we would turn to our higher selves and listen before yelling at our lovers and friends, hurting each other. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and this is one of the main problems between each other - communication.