Attune Magazine January 2013 | Page 61

In fact, we've been experiencing our extinction event for quite awhile, and it's likely to last for generations to come. It is very much in our hands what happens to each of us as individuals and as a species, even though we are dealing with the cumulative pressures of millenia of choices that we ourselves did not make. We have some key advantages: we have crucial elements of the spiritual technologies left to us by our predecessors; we have the confirmation of those technologies by the newest and most fertile and progressive branches of our sciences; we have certain particulars about those technologies that have been pulled into sharper focus both by science and the work of modern visionaries; we have the internet so that we can exchange and assimilate this information in documentable form with greater ease and speed than ever before in human history, and most importantly- we have each other.

According to experiments with conscious practices from a variety of spiritual traditions, small groups of people using healing intent can have profound and spreading effects on large areas of concentrated population, even when operating quietly without that surrounding population being consciously aware of their efforts.

Meditation experiments have been documented in several cities where violent crime was running amok, and had profound measurable effect for the duration of the experiment, and for some time after. The Huna practice of Ho-opponopono quieted the most notoriously violent mental institution in the State of Hawaii within a year, through the persistent practice of a simple prayer! Clearly, one of the keys is consistency and repetition- but the results have been so profound and easily accomplished that it is ridiculous not to follow through. Noted author and researcher Gregg Braden estimated that if approximately 8000 individuals are meditating, praying, casting spells of peace, blessing or healing, practicing Reiki, or sending/projecting positive energy of any modality, at any given time, the entire planet would be immersed in a potent field of healing intent, and the tide would turn. With 7 billion people living on the planet, 8000 people voluntarily acting on this imperative repeatedly and consistently can well save our bacon, without even working up a good sweat.