Attune Magazine January 2013 | Page 135

“We are vibrational frequencies of energy. Everything we are creating is exactly as we intend it to be. If you think negative thoughts, you attract negative outcomes. Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts that have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling. The main reason people don't get the results they want is because plain, unemotional words do not influence the subconscious mind. So ask for things that have an emotional connection for you. Your chances of success will be much higher.”

I plan to print out these 5 Keys and keep them where I can see them daily…The coming year has many of us thinking about setting goals, making resolutions and setting intentions for ourselves. Combining your intentions with “space clearing” can be a powerful tool for each of us.

Clean off your desk or work area and have a fresh start for the New Year. Go outside and look at the front of your home…does it look the best it can possibly look?

<I’m not talking about renovations here, simply making sure your front porch is clutter free or that there’s nothing distracting the entrance will do.> How does your car look? Does it need swept out? Do the windows need cleaned? The bedroom is truly the one place that should always be clutter free and relaxing…Stacks and stacks of mail are a constant issue in my life…it’s time to sort and purge if you have this challenge. I always feel better when this task is done…but it does take me a while to get motivated to move mountains of paper. I’ve found that if you look at a room and something makes you avert your eyes…it probably needs a little attention.

Set yourself up for a fantastic 2013 by making a fresh start!

Mary Nale