Attune Magazine January 2013 | Page 120

There must always be back up…

In the living room you will find an older and very sturdy Dell desk top. It’s not the fastest kid on the block but its dependable and a comfort. For anyone who knows how fast things can go terribly wrong with a laptop…might be worth looking into a desk top just in case…you know…something terrible happens. I know the Dell’s limits and its strengths; I have embraced it for certain tasks that it does better than my red Toshiba.

Yes, this was Bill’s doing…he’s thought of everything.

I reached a point when there was just no more room on these two computers for anything.

Bill bought me my first PHD-portable hard drive. 580 or 640 or some number of megabytes to hold my over flowing files. I filled this up in one day…I also filled several thumb drives. This led me to understanding another possibility when using “technology”. You can put certain things on thumb drives and plug them in when you need them! This is where the contents of Attune Magazine “lived” until I had to purchase 2 terabytes to house those files.

Just Sayin’…

Mary Nale