Association Insight International & European | Page 29

Expert Briefing | Association Insights MAKING BETTER TECHNOLOGY DECISIONS BY KIM ANSELL, KATHERINE GRIMSHAW & ROGER GREENHALGH EXPERT BRIEFING Professional and membership associations need to use good processes and appropriate technology to deliver a superior member experience. Understanding what drives member value, high performing partnerships and stakeholder relationships will determine how process and technology can support member focused staff and must drive the decisions the organisation makes about process, product and people. PROCESS + PRODUCT + PEOPLE = SOLUTION 1 Enabling your strategy Process excellence is no longer just about standardisation, cost cutting, or quality. The key question now is ‘how is workflow strategy creating value and delivering benefit’? In order to get best value for always scarce resources, before choosing and using new technology, the professional association must identify •T  he problem that needs to be solved or the opportunity that can be created Example: Association X identified clear issues with their ability to meet their strategy, a common issue in many professional associations over the last ten years. -D  epartments holding their own records/running their own systems because of the unreliability of the existing central one -D  on’t know if event delegates are members? •H  ow a technological solution fits with the business strategy and objectives -N  o single customer view? • How a specific technology fits with the IT Strategy? They knew instinctively that they needed better technology and processes. You can then make the business case for investment. -R  unning two or more systems. © Associations Network 2015 | 29