Association Insight International & European | Page 21

Expert Briefing | Association Insights The purpose of each stage is outlined below. Note that these six stages should not be seen as a strictly sequential set of activities, with one stage completed before the next begins, but more as a series of iterative action domains that need to be tackled in any CRM data improvement initiative. STAGE 1 – SECURE BUSINESS INVOLVEMENT Recognise that data is a business asset and cannot be improved in any sustainable way without business leadership and active participation. To gain initial business buy in it’s essential to: I like this analogy from the Cutter Consortium’s Ken Orr: “Ultimately, poor data quality is like dirt on the windscreen. You may be able to drive for a long time with slowly degrading vision, but at some point you either have to stop and clear the windscreen or risk everything” So how can Associations start to tackle their CRM data problems? First, it must be stressed that every organisation is unique so the exact approach will depend on such questions as: • Is the data being improved to prepare it for migration to a new CRM platform or to improve the performance of an existing CRM platform? •D  oes the business side of your organisation understand that data quality is their responsibility? •H  ow aware are your organisation’s people of the principles and practices of good data management? •W  here are my particular pain points and what are my data improvement priorities? •L  ay out a clear vision and intent for the data quality improvement initiative. Why are you doing it? What problems are you trying to solve? What benefits do you anticipate if you get it right? Capture these motivations in simple language and be able to present them in a way that all Association employees can understand and relate to. • Identify and engage with all the key data stakeholders – creators, inputters, data consumers and others - across your Associatio n. Try to sell them your vision and use these contacts to refine and enhance it. As you talk to people gather evidence and examples to illustrate the impact of current problems and the potential benefits of addressing them. •F  ind and secure a senior business champion who can help you sell your vision to the top of the Association and support you in breaking down the barriers you will probably face. Data improvement nearly always requires cross-business collaboration and a senior business champion can help you obtain this. •F  inally produce an initial outline business case for action. Use this, with the help of your senior champion, to secure some early funding and resource so that you can kickstart the work. Nevertheless there are some strategies and approaches that do work in all the above scenarios, albeit with variations. From my experience with working with large and smaller organisations I would suggest the simple six‑stage approach illustrated here in Figure 1: Figure 1: Six Stage Approach For Improving CRM data quality © Associations Network 2015 | 21