Association Insight International & European Association Insights Spring 2015 | Page 21

Article | Association Insights Great content is all about engaging with your customers or members, whether it’s at an event, through a lengthy magazine article, a 500 word blog post, a five minute video or 140 character tweet. IMarEST knows that marketing and member engagement is virtually impossible without good content. But IMarEST is a 15,000 member international organisation with a totally diverse membership base. “The challenge is how do you communicate and pass on content which is both value-adding and relevant to such a broad spread of people in a range of diverse sectors, geographies and demographics within the marine industry,” says David Kelly - Head of Marketing at IMarEST . “But at the same time our global membership base does give us unprecedented access to information that we can tap into and use to ‘crowdsource’ information from.” Even problems can lead to great content opportunities. Whilst a skills shortage in the UK’s marine engineering industry has led to difficulty in recruiting ‘oven ready’ graduates and experienced personnel, it led to IMarEST devising a survey and report: ‘Mitigating the skills gap in the marine and offshore oil and gas marke’. “As well as being a useful source of statistics on professional development, the survey results provided new and interesting content that could be used to generate growth,” explains David. “It was this content that created a talking point that helped us to engage with both new and existing members and companies.” David adds that great content can derive from lots of areas, such as personal connections and listening to customers – what are they saying and thinking? “Organisations should facilitate discussions and debate to source good information and create content that enables them to have something relevant to say,” adds David. “Content should be engaging, interesting, honest, easily accessible and relevant. Using testimonials has been an additional way of delivering this, and having ‘the client’ talk about the organisation, carries far more weight and of course generates interesting content as every story is different.” For associations, having good content is important, but just as relevant is having the technology behind the messaging to distribute it. Using technology such as online forums, social media and e-newsletters can enable associations to increase coverage. “Using social media and building online communities has been an important part of our communications programme” says David. “We have recently taken this one step further, and built an online collaborative working environment, exclusively for our global member base, which provides an area for special interest groups and other communities to work, share information and communicate wherever they are in the world. Not only is it important to share great content, but it enables us to capture interesting and relevant information and make it readily available for the benefit of our members.” To sum up: Making content as easy to access as possible is a must: • Make sure that you’re hitting the key areas that your target audience will be in order to gain exposure • Make it easy for your content to be passed on (viral) increasing your coverage.  © Associations Network 2015 | 21