Arctic Yearbook 2014 | Page 59

Arctic Yearbook 2014 59 Authors Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau explain “critical thinking requires us to use our imagination, seeing things from perspectives other than our own and envisioning the likely consequences of our position” (as cited in hooks 2010: 10). In open classroom climates, territorial findings indicate that this module is developing young northerners’ capacities for critical thinking, understanding, care and compassion, aligned with the module’s aims. Political philosopher Amy Guttman identifies deliberation as one of the primary ways that citizens resolve conflicts. She explains, “public discussion and decision making … aim to reach a justifiable resolution, where possible, and to live respectfully with those reasonable disagreements that remain unresolvable” (as cited in Avery & Hahn 2004: 196). Ethical Awareness and Moral Dimensions of History Findings from both teacher and student interviews and surveys in this study demonstrate students’ growth in ethical awareness and moral dimensions of history. Ethical awareness in students, understood as the ability to promote students’ capacity to understand others’ points of view and to coordinate them with one’s own, is developed through the module. For example, after studying the federal government’s apology, a teacher reflected on a student’s careful consideration of the ethical dimension to what she had learned. “[The] student felt strongly that the apology should have directly represented the people who did the wrong, otherwise it doesn’t mean anything.” The student showed competency by considering the perspective of the main actors in the federal apology, and observing the moral implications. According to Peter Seixas of the Historical Thinking Project, when students understand the moral dimension of history, they “should expect to learn something from the past that helps us in facing the moral issues of today” (2006: 11). Students in this study demonstrated that they were able to use their learning about the past to consider contemporary moral issues. Critical Hope: “Because We All Have Something to Learn From One Another” The other day, my mum and I, we were having a conversation about culture and everything, and my mum, growing up, because my family and I, well, I wasn’t born here, because my mum, she’s always like be proud of who you are, blah, blah, blah, and I was always like, stop, what are you doing. . . so I was telling her the other day how I learned to appreciate who I am and where I come from because for me I can go home and speak my language and eat my cultural food and just do all these things. And I didn’t realize how much of a privilege that actually is and so I was just letting her know that I was learning about this and how residential schools helped me realize that. - NWT student This student identified as having recently immigrated to Canada with her family. The students’ words illustrate a number of notable findings from the territorial pilot, including how reconciliation is understood by students, challenges fac Y