Arctic Yearbook 2014 | Page 285

285     Arctic Yearbook 2014 conduct which requires an environmental behavior of both tourist hosts and guests that increases environmental awareness, which eventually results in less water and air pollution, which in turn increases the value of the local natural environment. Welcoming guests to experience the EA environment transforms environmental goods into social goods which contributes to well-being of a greater society. The tourist hosts engage in marketing on their own since marketing strategies based on governmental and municipal policies focus on establishing tourism industry on a national level and are not sufficiently effective locally. Marketing reinforces both the flow of guests and brings positive attention to the community, which contributes to increase the population density, crucial for reinforcing the community economy. The community economy is thus reinforced by employment, marketing and in addition cooperation and community level initiatives. These are reinforcing for the local tourism practice but since they are vulnerable to policy constrains have a relatively low impact. Cooperation and community level initiatives are necessary to obtain and maintain local service and infrastructure since governmental and municipality level inputs are insufficient. T H