April Magazine 2016 | Page 78

to emerge. When faced with a challenging financial situation, consider your answers to these questions: • • • • If there were a really good reason this was happening, what could it be? Am I open to the possibility this is happening for me and not to me? How can I be creative in the face of this adversity? When I get through this, what skills will I have developed (learning how to be more frugal, more assertive, calmer in the face of pressure, or more focused on the most important things)? • In one year, will I still be upset by this? • If it were five years from now and I was telling a friend about this situation, I would tell them I learned... CREATE FINANCIAL TRANQUILITY Another way to stay in the Prosperity Zone and away from Scare-City is to build your self-calming skills. Having the ability to soothe yourself during turbulent financial times is crucial for effective money management. Creativity and a clear head are indispensable at precisely the time when these nervous feelings limit your ability to find optimal solutions. That’s why you need to use techniques to still your mind, help you feel calm, and improve your ability to accept the present circumstances. From this place of calm, you can move forward and implement new strategies. So, how can you relax the grip of worry? Here’s one of my favorite strategies: BREATHE YOUR FINANCIAL STRESS AWAY Sounds too simplistic? Humor me and try it. Take in a full deep breath. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four: one, two, three, four. Now exhale to the count of six: one, two, three, four, five, six. Try it again. Inhale: one, two, three, four. Exhale: one, two, three, four, five, six. One more time. Inhale: one, two, three, four. Exhale: one, two, three, four, five, six. How do you feel? A little more relaxed? Stress also changes how you make decisions. Research reveals that when people are under stress they tend to focus on positive factors and ignore negative ones as they make decisions. For example, stressed-out people considering a new job might let themselves be more influenced by a higher salary than by a horrific commute. Researchers also found that stress increases the differences in the ways men and women look at risk. When stress rises for men, they tend to increase their risk, whereas when stress rises for women, they get more conservative about risk. Focusing on your breathing, and therefore reducing your stress, can actually help you to become healthier, wealthier, and savvier. GET TO “I KNOW I’LL BE OKAY” If there were a welcome sign in the Prosperity Zone, it would say, 78 | Eydis Magazine “You Will Be Okay.” Of course, you want to be more than “okay,” but beginning with this as a baseline belief is huge in terms of financial confidence. Getting to this point will be different for everyone. It takes self-knowledge and financial action. Running the numbers is often only part of the equation. Internal awareness is also crucial. What will it take for you to be confident in your financial future? This is a very personal question. Maybe you feel that as long as you have a roof over her head, you know you’ll be okay. This might lead you to putting extra money toward paying down your mortgage. Or perhaps it’s supporting yourself rather than relying on anyone else