April Magazine 2016 | Page 68

Another client, a woman, was born after the death of her older brother from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), which is horrifically too common after scheduled vaccinations. What showed up is the unresolved parental grief, which stopped the flow of love and joy to the younger sister/ client receiving the constellation some thirty-five years later. She always felt she didn’t matter. This was a result of fear and unfinished grief of the first child who died. I had the client merely state to her parents “I matter” and torrential tears flowed as this simple soul truth, which has been consciously repressed, was now expressed for healing to occur at her deepest level. She’s been waiting to live and have a fulfilled life on two levels: to honor the unresolved grief and another to hold a blank space for her brother’s memory. Double duty for a newborn of thirty-five! She matters and her life does too, now the grief is healed in the past for 68 | Eydis Magazine the present and her bright future with the dark foreboding ancestral cloud gone. Who would think I matter, I’m alive, and see me, was where her field would guide me for her highest good! No more hiding or trying to be number one when she is number two in her birth order. She may be the first living child to her parents, but number two as her older brother who died has first place and his fate was to leave too soon. Love, order, and peace at the deepest soul levels were restored, lying in wait for thirty-five plus years. We had another powerful case that was resolved that involved the heavy quiet, aspect of multigenerational sexual abuse of women. It’s really about disempowerment and voice. Many aspects of incest aren’t dealt with in many therapies as the blame game seems to justify the client but does it truly release them? I often find there is a loyalty to the suffering and a multigenerational repetition and denial, or the duplicity of mothers and fathers sharing the blame. As always, the child pays the price with its body as did the mother and father in their childhoods. Always remember, every perpetrator was a victim first. When we help one woman, we help all women see how a mother lacking protection or turning a blind eye created the very abuse the grandparents did to them as is repeated ad nauseum to the next generation. This process liberates the quiet suffering of all who came before living and dead as we are a microcosm or the macrocosm. It’s almost like we are living fossils of everything that came before. Silent suffering of victimized )