April Magazine 2016 | Page 58

dries M A E R S D T E R E TH P X E Dear Dream Expert, Dear Reckless, I dreamt I was with my cousin, Jeff, You are using your body recklessly. You and he got into a car to go somekeep doing something with your body where. I was watching from the that is causing it harm. You want your sidewalk. He started driving out of the body to do something but it is not parking lot and hit something, so then cooperating. The type of thinking that he tried again and this time he got causes you to use your body recklessly thrown out of the car and hit a garage is related to your cousin Jeff. Choose Dear Dream Experts, door. I told him to try driving again a word to describe Jeff, and that word and he thrown fromquestions, the car. and my describes your thinking that I dreamt I was with my husband and we were talking to got this lady. She again was asking husbandthe Ronpart was of answering them. He He got mad at the car and said it was causes you to use your body recklessly. was giving great answers, so I told him “You are blowing me away!” The lady said she heard some noises around my husband and said “It’s probably those entities around that want to be malfunctioning. your babies. I knowNext, you just had My husbandEventually agreed. you admit your body is off I am onsex.” a train and it is my stop, but I look for my balance. It would be recommended to Sincerely, suitcase to take and can’t find it. Then slow down and treat your body with Embarrassed I remember, I didn’t bring one. The kindness and respect. train doors start to close, so I quickly You are now moving in the direction jump off while the train is still moving. Dear Embarrassed, of a goal—or are aligning your thinkYou are focusing on a part of yourself that you are committed to (husband) and you recognize part oforyourself is quite Sincerely, ing that withthis a group organization—but brilliant. There is another part of yourself that you have not identified (the lady). See if youyou can can’t describe herto in find one or two words. Reckless seem different ways This (lady) part of yourself has something to do with inner listening (hearing the entities that want to become babies). Babies to express yourself (can’t find your represent new ideas or new ways of being. You have set into motion the potential to create some new ideas (sex). These new ideas suitcase). You quickly move away are getting your attention. from the thinking of the group or organization at a time when it is not appropriate (you jump off the train while it is still moving). Kathryn and Patrick Andries are the dream experts. They are the authors of the recently released book from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Naked in Public: Dream Symbols Revealed, and The Dream Doctor. If you would like a dream interpreted, please send it in the body of an e-mail to: [email protected]. Learn more about their books at www.ozarkmt.com. 58 | Eydis Magazine AM RE D R U O ES Y O WHAT D n atrick A P d n a n thry by Ka ? N A E M Dear Dream Expert, I am at my Aunt Georgia’s house and my mom and lots of other people are there also. I am talking with people and notice my mom is on the television. It appears it is a commercial. I call and tell everyone to come over and see my mom on the TV. Later my friend Anne comes over and I am cleaning and organizing my bedroom. The kitchen has lots of dirty dishes that I also wash because all the people are at the house. I watch the TV in between cleaning. Sincerely, Busy Dear Busy, You are connecting with many parts of yourself (all the people in the house). You are imagining how your higher self is influencing you (seeing your mom in a commercial). You are excited about this discovery and want to share how this communication occurs and make it known to all parts of yourself (telling everyone to watch your mom on TV). Then, you recognize the need to organize your mind so that it can assimilate better (clean bedroom) and improve your ability to take in knowledge (washing the dishes). Dear Dream Expert, Dear Scared, I am in a classroom at the school where I teach and all the teachers are criticizing the art teacher. Someone raises their hand and defends the art teacher. I wonder to myself what the other teachers say about me when I am not around. Another part of the dream I am in a large hotel and all these men dressed in blue are killing everyone they see. One man shoots me, but I don’t die, he just thinks I died. You are looking at how you form goals (at the school where you teach) and you see that there are many parts of yourself that disapprove of the way in which you use your creativity (the teachers criticizing the art teacher). You then begin to wonder in what other areas of life you criticize yourself. The dream reflects a feeling of mistrust within yourself. It is beneficial to praise yourself and use positive affirmations as much as possible. The dream also indicates you feel subconscious influences (the hotel) are forcing changes in you (the men killing you). There is an attempt to cause you to change (the man shoots you), but you resist the change (you don’t die). Remember that change is the essence of life and you are always in control of the changes in your life. Sincerely, Scared eydismedia.com 59