APD Annual Reports - 2016 Annual Report | 页面 26

22016 Spotlight - Youth Mentoring

The Arlington Police Department places a great deal of emphasis on the enrichment and development of our youth . Teens can find several opportunities within the city to partner with Arlington ’ s Finest .


Through a partnership with Arlington ISD , officers are able to spend time with student athletes and serve as mentors during practices and school athletic events . The program initially started with football but now the department has mentors assigned across every sport spectrum , including female athletics . Each officer brings a customized approach to building relationships with young people .
The program started after the senseless death of Carl Wilson , a Martin High School athlete who was murdered in a neighboring city . Later that same year , the department had a use of force encounter with Christian Taylor , a college athlete . Police Chief Will Johnson challenged his executive team to come up with innovative
solutions to bridge stronger relationships with young people . Coach 5-0 was born and has taken off as a premier mentoring program between police and teens .


Annual Report 2016