AORE Association News December 2016 | Page 7


It is very important for each of us to see how our every attitude and action moves the sustainability of our planet, our humanity, our common purpose, our complex interconnected web of relations forward. It is a challenge to continue to see the bigger picture, the longer term, a broader view in light of these changing times. Fear closes us down and the desire to care for and love people, animals and places opens us up.

The dare that we have today is to reduce this divide between people, access, education, our environment, and to help connect the “other” to the “we”, to weave the cares we have into the commonalities that I believe all sentient beings have, no matter how impossibly disconnected we may feel.

We are knowledgeable, strong, wise and incredibly resourceful. By working together we can create a world where a thriving future is abundant for all beings. We will be a people more diverse, more connected than we could ever imagine. A place where radical kindness, radical openness, radical movement away from the selfishness I believe we currently are experiencing.

Through many of the experiences I have been blessed with since I first attended my first AORE Annual Conference in Corvallis, Oregon in 1993, I see we are an organization that strives to be inclusive, makes a great effort to be made up of learners and seekers, is a growing force of advocacy for people and locations that don’t have a strong voice or protection, and is making great strides to become a more diverse community. We are just beginning to understand where we are. It takes humility and keen minded communities to navigate this complex set of obstacles, it requires open-mindedness, courage, and the desire to grow, and it is a process that will be never-ending. As Mohammad Ali stated, we have been dared to be challenged to achieve greatness. AORE has accepted this challenge and is overflowing with members and programs that are doing amazing work. I look to this community and many others like it for the hope and perspective and the knowledge and support in our changing world. Thank you for being the AORE members who create our community, our movement, our future.

My best,

Russ Watts