Alpine Brochure 2016 | Page 15

R O PES C O U R S E “H IG H E R G R O U N D” CH AL L E N G E CO U R S E The Higher Ground Ropes Course is designed to enhance teamwork, develop problem-solving skills, encourage cooperation, build trust, and improve communication. Our gurus of fun are second to none in their expertise in safety, facilitating and leadership, providing a positive learning experience in an exciting and supportive atmosphere. B EIN G IN D EN JO Y IN G O THER " Our flagship element, The Centurion, stands high above the rest with its 100 ft. vertical climb followed by a leap to grab a trapeze. In addition, your group may also want to book our 30 ft. Climbing Tower or our exhilirating Zip Line. No matter what you choose, our instructors are here to provide your group with an experience they won’t forget!