AGC San Diego Construction Education & Safety Training Catalog 2015 July-December 2015 | Page 14

AGC LEAN CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION PROGRAM Lean Construction is driven to minimize costs and maximize value on each project completed, challenging all stakeholders to develop and apply better ways to manage the overall construction process. Everyone related to the construction process has incentive to get the project done faster and at a lower cost — from the project owners who want to see tangible results for their investment, to designers and contractors, who want to do their job well and move on to the next project. Throughout the construction process — planning, design, construction, activation, operations, maintenance, salvaging, and recycling — the holistic pursuit of continuous improvement drives more efficient, effective, and economic projects. On a corporate level, lean is most effective when embraced by all areas of the company. To do so, senior management must understand the need for and advantages of lean implementation. But lean is also an individual journey. All project team members must work together on a daily basis, incorporating lean principles into their most basic work to see the true benefits of lean. BECOME A LEAN CONSTRUCTION CHAMPION The seven-unit series is intended for those individuals who will design and implement a lean transformation strategy within an organization. Unit 1: Variation in Production Systems Unit 2: Pull-in Production Unit 3: Lean Workstructuring Unit 4: The Last Planner® System Unit 5: Lean Supply Chain and Assembly Unit 6: Lean Design and Pre-construction Unit 7: Problem-solving Principles and Tools EARN YOUR LEAN CREDENTIAL: FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ALL SEVEN UNITS OF THE LEAN CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION PROGRAM, PARTICIPANTS WILL BE QUALIFIED TO TAKE THE EXAM TO EARN AGC’S CERTIFICATE OF MANAGEMENT — LEAN CONSTRUCTION (CM-LC) 12 Register for classes online at