African Design Magazine September 2016 | Page 83


BOOK REVIEW Knowledge Matters

Knowledge Matters xplores the changing role of the architect and explains the development of UNStudio ’ s in-house Knowledge Platforms .

The architectural profession has expanded in recent years , not just in terms of cultural influences , but equally with respect to scientific advances . The inventive economy has also led to new lifestyle choices and a new role for the architect and architectural practice . We talk of an architecture that is either pre-crisis or post-crisis , the latter resulting in a call for responsible architecture ( affordable , sustainable , attainable and healthy ).
These changes have led to a reorganisation of UNStudio ’ s practice ; the introduction of Knowledge Platforms and the development from a network to a knowledge practice . Now compiled into an inspiring publication , Knowledge Matters recasts architecture as the conduit through which the passive reception of knowledge is reimagined as the active production of it . It is an exploration into a more agile form of practice , one that is scalable , relevant and opens conversations about the future of the discipline .
Written by Ben van Berkel & Caroline Bos and published by Frame Publishers , Knowledge Matters is an exploration into a more agile form of practice – one that is scalable , relevant and opens conversations about the future of the discipline in the context of today ’ s knowledge sharing society .
It does so by critically engaging the expanded set of demands now placed upon the profession – reframing these demands as the latent potentials of performative architecture in the 21st century . These potentials are explored , realised and speculated upon through the book ’ s 11 ‘ Knowledge Tools ’, with projects often appearing more than once and in various guises .
AUTHORS : Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos PUBLISHER : Frame Publishers ISBN : 978-94-91727-98-6 PAGES : 400 , soft cover

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