African Design Magazine February 2016 | Page 80

ISBN: 978-3-945659-02-1 Berlin, 2015 Book Review editors raumlaborberlin texts Ana Méndez de Anden, Markus Bader, Hester Buck, Samuel Boche, Cédric Bouteiller, Collectif Etc, Mauricio Corbalan, Lily Deneva, Peter Fattinger, Véronique Faucheur, Alison Hugill, Simone Jentsch, Martin Kaltwasser, Dieter Krellmann, Suzanne Labourie, Lukasz Lendzinski, Jan Liesegang, Federica Menin, orizzontale, Klaus Overmeyer, Kai Woolner-Pratt, Berno Odo Polzer, Marjetica Potrc, Alexander Römer, Ranabir Samaddar, Thomas Schäfer, Kerstin Schultz, Etienne Sevet, Melissa Soh, Verena Stalf, Stavros Stavrides, Elisabeth Terrisse, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Peter Weigand. BOOK Building The City Together: The Osthang Project © raumlaborberlin, 2015, The Osthang Project B uilding the City Together or maybe civilians? explores the topic ofcooks, This publication contains introductions to the five structures built on the action in public space, including interviews with and through the scope ofOsthang, text by the individuals involved in the a common space for projects, as well as three conversawith professionals re