Addnode Group Annual Report 2015 | Page 55

A N N UA L R E P O R T Notes NOTE 8 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NOTE 10 FINANCIAL INCOME Research and development costs for the year amounted to SEK 20,005 thousand (12,908 thousand). Cost for investments in proprietary software and applications were capitalised in 2015 in the amount of SEK 43,243 thousand (29,927 thousand) (see Note 16). Amortisation in 2015 of capitalised amounts for proprietary software and applications for the year and previous years amounted to SEK 19,822 thousand (13,838 thousand). Group 2015 2014 597 1,053 1,873 3,116 Interest income Exchange rate differences Other financial income Total 52 — 2,522 4,169 Parent Company NOTE 9 OPERATING LEASES The nominal value of future, minimum lease payments for noncancellable leases is broken down by maturities as follows: 2015 2014 Due for payment within one year 47,583 39,164 Due for payment after more than one year but within five years 58,847 59,860 Due for payment after more than five years 2014 Share dividends 54,964 44,195 Group contributions received 70,975 21,420 Capital gains/losses Group Total 2015 Result from participations in Group companies 3,701 7,148 110,131 106,172 Impairment losses –53 2 –24,980 –28,200 — 47,000 100,906 84,417 Reversal of previous impairment losses Total Interest income and similar profit/loss items External interest income Interest income from Group companies Leasing costs for operating leases amounted to the following during the year: 157 244 1,632 1,701 Exchange rate differences 3,146 3,500 Total 4,935 5,445 Group 2015 2014 Rental and leasing costs 47,572 42,127 Total 47,572 42,127 NOTE 11 FINANCIAL EXPENSES Group The operating leases pertain primarily to rents of premises. Interest expense Exchange rate differences 2015 2014 –2,546 –2,257 — –310 Other financial expenses –1,398 –317 Total –3,944 –2,884 Parent Company 2015 2014 –1,734 –2,085 Interest expense and similar profit/loss items External interest expense Interest expense to Group companies –228 –754 Other financial expenses –1,342 – 250 Total –3,304 –3,089 55 33-87_Addnode_Group_2015_EN.indd 55 2016-05-12 12:42:07