A Steampunk Guide to Hunting Monsters 12 | Page 10

reluctant , until the large beast of a spider burst through the foliage and knocked him , most impolitely into the hole . I myself slipped in after with Thunderboy at my side . However , the Mayor was overcome and could not join us .
We found ourselves in a huge underwater corridor with full circular windows looking out over the expanse of the ocean floor . Sea creatures peered in through the large portholes . The chasm loomed above us . The flickering shadows of a thousand spider legs scuttled across the walls of the steam vent .
" I have an idea !" cried Percy , who had often had beneficial ideas during the course of our adventures . " If we can lure those creatures further down , and then release the steam all at once , it may cook those terrible arachnids !"
Thunderboy said , " I will lure them down if you can make the machine work !"
" I have studied these types of ships most diligently during our vacation , as I am most wary of the consistent crashing of every vehicle in which we travel , and I did not want to be caught unawares in yet another instance . In theory , I can ..."
" Just go !" cried Thunderboy . And he began to taunt the spiders above , making a display that he thought most suitable to encourage the insect ' s appetites .
Percy and I ran to the pilot ' s station where the automaton First Mate stood at the helm . Its head turned to us and said , " The lowers decks are currently closed to guests and will be open for visitation from eleven o ' clock to noon ."
We told the First Mate that giant spiders were attacking the ship , and Percy mentioned his plan , and we were most cordially assured that the problem would be dealt with . Whereupon the First Mate moved down the corridor to an intercom station , picked up the little trumpet ,
and its voice rang out through the lower decks , " Will all giant arachnids please report to exhaust vent 3-B for immediate extermination . Your cooperation is much appreciated ."
The First Mate then moved to a wall and started turning valves . Percy and I began to help , when indicated . However , I found my valve most rigidly stuck , and even when Percy came to help it remained obdurate . " Can you help us turn this valve ?" Percy asked .
" Thank you for asking ," replied the First Mate . " Yes , as a licensed Monster Hunting Tour automaton , I am equipped with functional hands which can grasp objects and —"
A giant spider reached in from the top of the doorway , shooting a sticky web over the poor robot . The First Mate spoke " For your safety , please refrain from approaching the wild spiders . The wild spiders may look tame but can be wild , unpredictable and dangerous . Thank you for your cooperation ."
With that , the spider pulled the robot into the steam vent ! Percy and I leaned with all of our might on the valve , and it released ! We fell to the ground just in time to see Thunderboy being overcome by hundreds of spiders . Six great spider limbs wrapped around Percy and dragged him into the vent . The little beasts began to reach for me , and ignoring their waving arms , I reached out my hand to grab ahold of him , but it was too late ! The steam released in such a violent manner , that all the spiders and the boys themselves were thrust outward , as a cannonball from a canon , and straight up into the sky !
Fearing the worst , I made my way back to the surface via a tiny , cramped ladder . I used my parasol to ward off a few minor spiderlings , but the automatons were out in full force beating off the remaining menace . It seems the majority of the spiders had been in the vent , and they rained