2017 Summer Workshop Catalogue_2 Anderson Ranch Arts Center 2017 Summer Workshops | Página 51

ceramics printmaking
John Hitchcock , Beads , birds , and bombs ( detail ) Jean Gumpper , Calligraphic Grasses ( detail )
August 28 - September 1
Print Blitz ! Alternative methods to screen printing
John Hitchcock
September 11 - 22
Structure & Invention : monoprint & relief
Jean Gumpper
SKILL LEVEL : Open to All
CONCEPT : Investigate the current trends of print media in contemporary culture and develop the tools you need to make your own artistic statement . This workshop focuses on water-based photo screen printing techniques as well as low-tech stencil printing methods . Technical demonstrations cover beginning photo screen printing processes , one- and two-color registration , a combination of hand dyeing , draw back into , manipulation of the surface , water-soluble markers , and hand-cut and photo stencil methods to create experimental unique prints . Students walk away with a collection of unique work that encapsulates this impressive art form .
MEDIA & TECHNIQUES : Students use acrylic screen printing ink with a variety of papers , wood and fabric , photo emulsion , drawings and computer-generated graphics as preparatory artwork . You may bring images to print ; these should be in black inkjet ink .
ACTIVITIES : We begin with examples of hand pulled screenprints as well as a discussion of finished prints with preparatory artwork . The first technical demonstration covers emulsion application , photo process and wash out . The week proceeds with ample studio time . Each day begins with a demonstration and discussion of the previous day ' s work .
FACULTY : John Hitchcock is an Artist and Professor at the University of Wisconsin , Madison . Awards include : The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Grant ; The Jerome Foundation Grant ; artist-in-residence at The American Culture Center , Shanghai , China ; Frans Masereel Centrum , Kasterlee , Belgium ; Proyecto ’ ace , Buenos Aires , Argentina ; and the Venice Printmaking Studio , Venice , Italy .
www . hybridpress . net
CONCEPT : Embark on a rigorous , engaging two-week exploration of monoprint and relief methods with an emphasis on layered color . We begin with observational studies from the natural world , and explore trace , stencil , painterly and multiple plate monotype methods . From there we apply woodcut techniques and continue to layer transparent and opaque color to make both editioned and unique prints . This back-and-forth serves as a structure for the course as we combine printing with a relief matrix with more improvisational monoprint . We briefly foray into the possibilities of the laser cutter .
MEDIA & TECHNIQUES : Students learn trace , stencil , additive / reductive monotype , carving , transferring images , color ink mixing , relief and monoprint processes from wood blocks and Plexiglas with oil-based inks using a press and by hand . We also explore pochoir techniques , registration techniques , chine collé and get an introduction to preparing files and cutting blocks with the laser cutter .
ACTIVITIES : Our first week includes daily demonstrations with work time , while the second week focuses on individual exploration and series development . Field trips provide time for observation . Content and process are addressed through individual and group discussion .
FACULTY : Jean Gumpper is a faculty member and artist-in-residence at Colorado College in Colorado Springs . Her residencies include the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies , Goldwell Museum , Ucross Foundation , Grand Canyon National Park and Rocky Mountain National Park . Jean has taught print workshops in Sweden and the U . S ., and has exhibited nationally and internationally .
www . jeangumpper . com

student feedback from 2016 workshops

“ Had to pinch myself so many times . It is a privilege to be able to be surrounded by so many talented students and instructors . Hope to keep coming until I can ’ t move !”
“ I love Anderson Ranch — everything about it .”
Tuition : $ 975 OR Tuition + Studio Support Donation : $ 1,175 Registration Fee : $ 45 Studio Fee : $ 100 Code : R1313-17 Enrollment Limit 10
Tuition : $ 1,400 OR Tuition + Studio Support Donation : $ 1,800 Registration Fee : $ 45 Studio Fee : $ 150 Code : R1514-17 Enrollment Limit 10 printmaking 49