2017 Dawson City Film Festival Film Fest program | Page 29

STRANGE THINGS DONE THROUGH THE WILLOWS Blair Douglas, Yukon, 9m, narrative In the cold north, a man gets caught in a strange vortex. WAIT FOR RESCUE Kevin Hartford, Nova Scotia, 6m, narrative Waking to the sound of an emergency siren, Maggie struggles to overcome two very specific and immediate challenges. LAST CONTACT Nicole Rayburn, Yukon, 4m, experimental Humanity’s fascination with Mars is lengthy and pervasive – fantastical stories and interstellar dreams feed the industry of space exploration, making science fiction become science fact, and the boundary between human and machine ever more entwined. THE LOVE HATERS CLUB Nina Reed, Yukon, 8m, narrative Trixie romanticizes finding love in Canada’s rugged north, but when she finds herself in Yukon territory, she finds a world that does not resemble her daydreams. HOT NUTS Moriah MacMillian, Vivian Belik, Meagan Duelling, Genevieve Doyon, Yukon, 3m, animation Finding love in the Yukon, taxidermy style. 29