2016 WEC Annual Awards Dinner Ad Journal | Página 3

November 18, 2016 Dear Friends, Thank you for joining us at the 2016 WEC Awards Dinner & 30th Anniversary Celebration! We appreciate your support and participation as we honor the five outstanding honorees and celebrate the 30th anniversary of WEC’s founding. Because of our honorees’ work, workers are better able to stand up for their rights; environmental justice issues have been brought to light; nurses and healthcare professionals have safer working conditions; unions and environmental organizations have worked together on numerous issues, defying the misconception that the environment and the economy are always at odds. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we must acknowledge the many leaders, coalition partners and members that have helped establish and protect the fundamental health and safety safeguards that are essential to our workplaces and communities. Included in this book, please find a timeline of WEC’s accomplishments, as well as a list of all our former board members. Without the support of these individuals, and their organizations, many of the accomplishments about which we are so proud, would not have been possible. As Professor Brian Mayer said in his book, Blue-Green Coalition: Fighting for Safe Workplaces and Healthy Communities (2009), “New Jersey’s statewide blue-green alliance, the Work Environment Council, has accomplished perhaps more than any of the other partnerships between blues and greens.” Congratulations again to all of our distinguished honorees. Thank you as well to everyone that sponsored, placed an ad in our commemorative journal, or purchased a ticket. We rely on your support to continue our work and we look forward to working with you to continue advancing our collective agenda for the next thirty years. Honoring our past and looking to the future, Rev. Fletcher Harper Dan Fatton President Executive Director