2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 73

1 . All student originated materials must clearly identify the name of the organization , the author and the sponsor — whichever are applicable . Independent student publications may be distributed before and after school only . Materials may be distributed in the first and second floor lobbies and outside of the building . Said materials shall not be distributed in any manner blocking the free flow of traffic .
2 . Materials dropped in the immediate area of distribution shall be removed by those distributing said material .
3 . Unacceptable items : ( see 4 below ) � So-called “ hate ” literature which scurrilously attacks ethnic , religious , and racial groups , publications which create hostility , violence , or disruption of school operations . � Libelous materials ( Materials denigrating to any individual in and out of school may be libelous .) � Materials designated for commercial purposes — to advertise a product or service for sale or rent , unless approved by the Principal . 4 . Materials which are designated to solicit funds , unless approved by the Principal . 5 . New Jersey Title 18A : 42-4 : “ No literature which in any manner and in any part thereof promotes , favors , or opposes the candidacy of any candidate for election at any school election , or the adoption of any bond issue , proposal , or any public question submitted at any general , municipal , or school election shall be given to any public school pupil in any public school building or on the grounds thereof ..”
6 . Materials may be distributed which are not prescribed in Section 4 and which have received prior approval . This includes political items pertaining to any other local , county , state or national elections not prohibited . In the case of materials not readily classifiable , the individuals or organizations involved must obtain approval by the Principal at least three days prior to the planned distribution day . Students are notified that the responsibility for unacceptable materials exists with the student ( s ). No materials shall be distributed without prior approval of the Principal .
7 . Said individuals or organizations may use bulletin boards designated by the Service Committee of the Student Council to publicize distribution of said materials .
8 . No school supplies or equipment may be used for the publication of independent student publications .
PUBLIC ADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS � All announcements must be submitted to the Principal for review and approval . � Each announcement must be written beforehand so that the entire message can be seen and studied . � Each announcement must be approved by the club or activity sponsor . � If a sponsor desires to make the announcement personally , s / he may do so . If in the judgment of the Principal a particular announcement is controversial , but still appropriate to school communications , the following statement will be read : “ The school believes that all schoolapproved clubs and activities have a right to communicate messages about issues and problems to the school community . The following announcement has been judged to be controversial — the reading of the announcement in no way establishes approval of the activity or the cause . Nor does this statement establish disapproval . The school has no public position with regard to issue or cause . We are permitting the reading of the announcement for communications purposes only .” If in the judgment of the Principal a particular announcement is not controversial , the announcement can be read as submitted .
� If in the judgment of the Principal a particular announcement is inappropriate for school , permission will not be granted .
� The only announcements permitted over the PA system are those pertaining to organizations of the high school . Outside organizations , other than the Teaneck Recreation Department , may not use our PA system .
HONORS AND AWARDS Students at Teaneck High School distinguish themselves in many ways . Special awards are offered to those who demonstrate excellence in the areas of academics , athletics , leadership , service and character .
National Honor Society members are those students who have exhibited the qualities of scholarship , service , leadership , and character during their freshman , sophomore and junior years at Teaneck High School .
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