2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 71

GENERAL RULES FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL If you are absent from school, regardless of the reason, you are not allowed to participate in any extra-curricular function on the evening of the day the absence occurred. If it is felt that a justifiable reason exists to make an exception to this rule, the final decision rests with the Principal. ACTIVITY FUNDS Funds earned at a school activity are school funds and therefore the funds are considered school property. The funds must be handled appropriately, responsibly and f u n d s s h o u l d b e a p p l i e d only t o t h e i n t e n d e d club activity. All funds must be directly related to the activity and not for personal gain. All such funds must be promptly deposited in the school bank, no later than 1 day after receipt. Funds should never be taken home. Money must be given to one of the Principal’s secretaries no later than 1 day after the event. The money must be accompanied by a deposit slip made in duplicate and returned to the activity advisor for club records. The money received is deposited in a local bank. All payments for activity expenses must be made by check. When planning an event such as a dance, request checks from the bank at least one week in advance of the event. No dues may be charged or collected. All activities; must operate