2016-2017 Student Handbook | Page 53

23 .
Disciplinary action , including dismissal , for school staff who contributed to the problem ;
24 .
Supportive institutional interventions , including participation in the Intervention and Referral Services
Team , pursuant to N . J . A . C . 6A : 16-8 ;
25 .
Parent conferences ;
26 .
Family counseling ;
27 .
Development of a general harassment , intimidation , and bullying response plan ;
28 .
Behavioral expectations communicated to students and parents ;
29 .
Participation of the entire student body in problem-solving harassment , intimidation , and bullying issues ;
30 .
Recommendations of a student behavior or ethics council ;
31 .
Participation in peer support groups ;
32 .
School transfers ; and
33 .
Involvement of law enforcement officers , including school resource officers and juvenile officers or
other appropriate legal action .
Consequences and Appropriate Remedial Actions - Adults The district will also impose appropriate consequences and remedial actions to an adult who commits an act of harassment , intimidation , or bullying of a student . The consequences may include , but not be limited to : verbal or written reprimand , increment withholding , legal action , disciplinary action , termination , and / or bans from providing services , participating in school district-sponsored programs , or being in school buildings or on school grounds . Remedial measures may include , but not be limited to : in or out of-school counseling , professional development programs , and work environment modifications .
Target / Victim Support Districts should identify a range of strategies and resources that will be available to individual victims of harassment , intimidation , and bullying , and respond in a manner that provides relief to victims and does not stigmatize victims or further their sense of persecution . The type , diversity , location , and degree of support are directly related to the student ’ s perception of safety . Sufficient safety measures should be undertaken to ensure the victims ’ physical and social-emotional well-being and their ability to learn in a safe , supportive , and civil educational environment .
Examples of support for student victims of harassment , intimidation , and bullying include :
1 .
Teacher aides ;
2 .
Hallway and playground monitors ;
3 .
Partnering with a school leader ;
4 .
Provision of an adult mentor ;
5 .
Assignment of an adult “ shadow ” to help protect the student ;
6 .
Seating changes ;
7 .
Schedule changes ;
8 .
School transfers ;
9 .
Before- and after-school supervision ;
10 .
School transportation supervision ;
11 .
Counseling ; and
12 .
Treatment or therapy .
E . Harassment , Intimidation , and Bullying Reporting Procedure The Board of Education requires the Principal at each school to be responsible for receiving complaints alleging violations of this Policy . All Board members , school employees , and volunteers and contracted service providers who have contact with students are required to verbally report alleged violations of this Policy to the Principal or the Principal ’ s designee on the same day when the individual witnessed or received reliable information regarding any such incident . All Board members , school employees , and volunteers and contracted service providers who have contact with students , also shall submit a report in writing to the Principal within two school days of the verbal report . The Principal will inform the parents of all students involved in alleged incidents , and , as appropriate , may discuss the availability of counseling and other intervention services . The Principal , upon receiving a verbal or written report , may take interim measures to ensure the safety , health , and welfare of all parties pending the findings of the investigation . Students , parents , and visitors are encouraged to report alleged violations of this Policy to the Principal on the same day when the individual witnessed or received reliable information regarding any such incident . Students , parents , and visitors may report an act of harassment , intimidation , or bullying anonymously . Formal action for violations of the Code of Student Conduct may not be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report . A Board member or school employee who promptly reports an incident of harassment , intimidation , or bullying and who makes this report in compliance with the procedures set forth in this Policy , is immune from a cause of action for damages arising from any failure to remedy the reported incident .
In accordance with the provisions of N . J . S . A . 18A : 37-18 , the harassment , intimidation , and bullying law does not prevent a victim from seeking redress under any other available law , either civil or criminal , nor does it create or alter any tort liability . The district may consider every mechanism available to simplify reporting , including standard reporting forms
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