2016-2017 Nevada County Gold Magazine | Page 148

F I T N E S S / W E L L N E S S N E V A D A C O U N T Y L I V I N G A HOME SERVICES AND RELOCATION DIRECTORY This Could Be You A 38-YEAR-OLD GRASS VALLEY WOMAN who had been overweight all of her life wanted to take control of her health and wellness, improve her life and be an example to her daughters. She accomplished this by losing 110 pounds through diet and exercise. Now she is adding more activity to her life and is trying new things like kayaking. She also hopes to run a 5K. With a career that involves sitting most of the day, one 41-year-old local man noticed he was not only loosing muscle mass and flexibility, but was having aches and pains. He started playing indoor soccer, but seemed to pull a new muscle every week. Through small group personal training, he gained strength and flexibility, and is pain free. He also feels he is now much better prepared for his search and rescue volunteer work. With a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition and personal trainer certification, Joey Bratton, owner of Fit Culture Studio, has witnessed these success stories, as well as scores of others. Dedicated to inspiring