2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 57

opportunities for principals in CORE regions to INVEST IN TENNESSEE’S SCHOOL AND DISTRICT LEADERS. Build and expand the collaborate with one another and serve as mentors for younger principals in their regions. leadership pipeline in Tennessee, providing school Create Effective Systems of Support for Aspiring, and district leaders the preparation and support they New, and Current Principals. The Tennessee need to effectively meet the needs of their students Department of Education should create an advisory and teachers. Research has found that of all in-school council to inform the process of improving principal factors, a principal’s impact on student outcomes is preparation in Tennessee. Additionally, SCORE and second only to that of teachers.171 Even so, recent the Tennessee Department of Education should work research has found that state policymakers give more together to build regional school leadership hubs attention to teachers and teacher-related issues that provide school leaders with regional networks than to principals.172 This pattern of investment holds of support. While the State Board of Education true in Tennessee. While teachers are the single recently passed a new Educator Preparation Policy most influential in-school factor in student success, to increase the rigor of Tennessee’s educator principals are responsible for building positive school preparation programs, the state has not invested cultures, supporting teachers and teaching, and parallel efforts in improving the rigor of its principal ensuring that state initiatives succeed at the school preparation programs. To better understand and classroom levels. the state of principal preparation in Tennessee, 173 For this reason, Tennessee must increase its investment in school and district the Tennessee Department of Education should leadership across the state. create an advisory council to inform improvements in Tennessee’s principal pipeline. This advisory Create High-Quality Professional Learning council should ensure that shifts in policy and Opportunities for Tennessee’s Principals. The practice around Tennessee’s principal pipeline Tennessee Department of Education should expand result in expanded access to high-quality principal access to leadership courses that provide incoming preparation programs. High-quality programs should and current principals with critical skillsets in not only provide aspiring principals with high-quality instructional leadership and building management. instruction and clinical experiences while they are During SCORE’s 2015 Listening Tour, principals in the program, but should also provide graduates consistently offered positive feedback on the state’s with mentorship in their first two to three years as leadership courses, noting that these professional principals. Additionally, regional leadership hubs learning opportunities provided them with important should be established to support aspiring principals, skills and information relevant to leading their new principals, and veteran principals in their efforts teachers and schools.174 The Tennessee Department to transform instruction in schools across the of Education should expand these leadership state. SCORE’s collaboration with the department courses to cover more topics and to provide more can also focus on supporting and actively seeking principals with access to these critical opportunities. philanthropic and other funding opportunities to Additionally, CORE Offices should work to create increase regional hub support to lower financial networks of support for principals, establishing barriers for aspiring school leaders. 56