2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 21

Over the past year, the Tennessee Department of Education convened groups of district leaders to collaborate on designing processes for implementing policies more effectively in their schools. Working assessments, writing best practices, instructional groups address teacher leadership models, the tools, and resource supports.48 In October, the annual implementation of RTI2, and the implementation LEAD Conference gave school and district leaders of TNReady. While only a small number of districts the opportunity to convene and share effective participate in these working groups, they often create practices.49 The Tennessee Department of Education resources or models for implementation that are also maintains a website where leaders can find available to other districts across the state. professional learning events in their area that align with the TILS.50 District leaders and central office personnel who participated in SCORE’s 2015 Listening Tour reported The Role of District Leaders. While school leaders taking a variety of actions to support instruction provide support to teachers in classrooms, district in their districts. District leaders often directed leaders create the conditions that principals need to this support at school principals. Central office successfully lead school improvement. As new policies staff reported visiting schools to provide principals are passed, significant responsibility falls on district support with evaluating teachers, providing useful leaders to determine the most effective strategies feedback on instruction, analyzing student data, and for implementing policies in their local districts. It is connecting struggling teachers to needed supports. essential for state leaders to support district leaders Central office personnel also supported teachers through policies and programs that allow them to directly by providing group trainings or one-on-one create environments for principals and teachers to support with lesson planning, the evaluation rubric, operate more effectively.51 and curriculum implementation.52 20