2015-16 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 20

In 2013, Governor Haslam announced the creation of the changing nature of the principal’s role. In 2013-14, a new school leadership program in partnership with ten districts piloted a new administrator evaluation Vanderbilt University, the Tennessee Department rubric aligned to the revised TILS. These districts of Education, and local school districts. provided feedback to the Tennessee Department 40 After two years of planning, the state recruited its first cohort of Education to further strengthen the rubric, the for the Governor’s Academy for School Leadership in evaluation process, and accompanying support tools. 2015. The fellows begin their training at Vanderbilt’s In 2014-15, the new evaluation rubric was implemented Peabody College in January 2016. The 12-month statewide.44 program aims to strengthen the principal pipeline by developing beginning assistant principals into highly Also during the 2014-15 school year, the Tennessee effective school leaders.41 In addition, the Tennessee Department of Education provided sixteen regional Department of Education has called on the University administrator evaluation coaches (two per CORE region) of Tennessee Knoxville’s Leadership Academy to to support district leaders in their implementation expand its program to districts beyond Knox County. of the new administrator evaluation rubric. Other supports from the Tennessee Department of Education Beginning in fall 2015, the Tennessee Department included a teacher perception survey aligned to the of Education convened the Transformational administrator evaluation rubric, a site visit tool featuring Leadership Advisory Council to inform principal best practices from districts, and an initiative pairing pipeline improvement efforts. The department also highly effective principals with struggling principals to plans to create regional transformational hubs across form cross-district learning partnerships.45 the state. These hubs will create opportunities for principals to collaborate with principals in other On the 2015 Tennessee Educator Survey, school schools and districts. administrators expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the principal evaluation process. Of the nearly Legislative Change. In 2015, a teacher in 2,000 administrators who participated in the survey, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools with a degree 81 percent agreed that the administrator evaluation in administration from Harvard University was unable process will lead to improved student learning, to pursue a principal position because she did not compared to 57 percent in 2014. Eighty-seven percent receive her administrative degree from a Tennessee- agreed that the evaluation process is fair, and 81 based university. In response, the Tennessee General percent indicat ed that they were satisfied overall with Assembly passed a bill that prohibits the State Tennessee’s administrator evaluation process.46 Board of Education from denying instructional leader licensure based solely on whether the applicant Many of the principals who participated in SCORE’s graduated from a preparation program located in 2015 Listening Tour reported having valuable another state.42 Under the previous policy, applicants conversations with their evaluators about how to who had not completed an approved in-state improve their practice. Using the revised principal master’s program had to have at least three years evaluation rubric as a guide, evaluators were able to of experience as an administrator in order to receive give principals more specific and useful feedback than a Tennessee Instructional Leadership License. In in previous years. Even so, principals also indicated response to the legislation, the State Board of that district leaders sometimes did not provide them Education amended its licensure policy so that with the feedback and support they need to improve graduates of out-of-state programs do not need to as instructional leaders.47 have prior experience as an administrator in order to be licensed in Tennessee.43 Professional Learning. Throughout 2015, the Tennessee Department of Education offered a 19 Principal Evaluation. During the 2012-13 school year, variety of professional learning opportunities for the Tennessee Department of Education worked with school and district leaders. In the spring, school multiple stakeholder groups to revise the Tennessee leaders and district instructional staff could attend Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) to reflect a Leadership Course focused on Tennessee’s new