2015-16 Public Education in Tennessee: A Policymaker’s Guide | Page 18

PRINCIPAL PREPARATION Jim Clifton, the Chairman and CEO of Gallup, stated that Gallup’s research shows that “the single greatest and most cost effective lever to improvement of K-12 education in America is to build a pipeline of transformational future principals.” For this reason, it is imperative that principal preparation programs in Tennessee produce effective graduates who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to lead schools across our state. Research outlines key components of effective principal preparation programs including a research-based curriculum focused on instructional leadership skills and rich field experiences. In Tennessee, state policy currently stipulates that all preparation programs should undergo a thorough, regular, and meaningful program approval process. TOPIC TIMELINE Over the past few years, Tennessee has taken important steps to ensure that principal preparation programs are preparing graduates who are able to lead schools across Tennessee. Here are key events: 2007-08: Tennessee convened a group called the “Leadership Redesign Commission.” The development of the Tennessee Learning Centered Leadership policy was the result of the recommendations provided by this group appointed by the SBOE and THEC.35 December 2008: The SBOE passed the Learning Centered Leadership Policy.36 This policy instituted new standards for principals, called the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS), which “align [the] selection, preparation, licensure, evaluation, and professional development” of school principals.37 This update of Tennessee’s school leadership policies translated into the redesign of the admiss [ۜ