2014-15 State of Education in Tennessee | Page 6

In order for the state to successfully transition to technology-based assessments, Tennessee foundations, business partners, and Centers of Regional Excellence (CORE) should support district leaders in their efforts to upgrade technological infrastructure and access in their schools. Additionally, districts must prioritize schools’ efforts to provide students with early instruction on technology and keyboarding skills to prepare them for technology-based assessments, and success in college and career. While summative assessments provide important feedback to teachers and students about growth and progress achieved at the end of the school year, formative assessments provide this information to teachers throughout the year. For this reason, it is important for CORE offices to provide district and school leaders with support in their selection of formative assessments to ensure they are aligned to Tennessee’s State Standards and provide educators with the information they need to improve student learning. Ensure the continued and improved implementation of Tennessee’s State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics. Tennessee’s State Standards are now implemented across all grades statewide. It is important to ensure that the current public review process of the standards is focused on continuous improvement and results in higher standards for Tennessee students, not lower standards. Additionally, policymakers should refrain from passing legislation changing the state’s standards while this process is ongoing. To ensure the standards reach all students, continued support for teachers and school leaders is critical as they work to integrate the new standards into their daily practice. Professional learning opportunities should be offered to additional teachers and school leaders around the state, providing more educators with the resources they need to successfully transition to new standards. It is also important to continue to engage parents and community members on the standards, informing the larger public on what the standards are and why they are important to Tennessee students’ academic growth. As educators continue to implement Tennessee’s State Standards, school districts have an important role to play in providing educators with support and guidance in the selection )