(201) Family April/May 2017 | Page 50



The lateDavid Bowie couldn ’ t have been more rightwhen he said ,“ Turn and face the strange changes .” Idon ’ t think any parent is truly prepared for the impossible years – adolescence . The teen years in my household were very

“ interesting ,” with triplet daughters who always experienced everything in stereo . There were plenty of histrionics over thoseyears – yellingand screaming and slamming of doors , but in some ways , my “ girls ” didn ’ t seem to change that much , at least not to me .
Ihad aconversation recently with aboy I ’ d known since he was ababy . It seemslike yesterday that Iwent to his christening , but now he is ahigh school sophomore . His family moved out of the neighborhood two years ago and now that my kids are in college , Idon ’ t see the high school kids as much anymore . Iforget what happens .
The boy-turned-teen called me the other night about aproject and Iwas stunned when Iheard his voice . He wasn ’ t alittle boy anymore . His voice had changed and Iwas truly taken aback .
Ihave girls , so Iguess Inever really dealt with the whole voice change thing first hand . My nephew is going through puberty now and I ’ ve seen the signs , but his voice hasn ’ t dropped yet . I ’ ll bet that will freak my sister out when it happens .
The impossible years are like ablur to me as Iwatch my children proceed with their college educations . Forgotten are the memoriesofthe “ you don ’ t know anything , mom ” moments and the day-to-daystress of that era . Those growing pains years have melted away and now my daughters seem to think Iknow awhole heck of alot . And their dad knows some stuff too !
Adolescence is one of the most significant rites of passage for afamily . There is turbulence and tumult – everything seems off balance . Horrible things are said as children search to find their pathtoadulthood . It ’ s all part of the process of growing up and finding their individuality and their place in the world . When you come out on the other side , itisatfirst arelief and then awonder .
If you ’ regoing through these changes in your family just hold on to your seat and ride it out .
“ Changes are taking thepace I ’ m going through …” ● – AMELIA DUGGAN
48 APRIL / MAY 2017 | ( 201 ) FAMILY