Digital publication | Page 3


4 Doctor Who: Adventures in Crime and Space

by Leigh Monson

6 Doug's Dangerous Dog Debacle

by Nickolas Galendez

8 Who owns the TARDIS?

by Rebecca Johnson


10 Is a Contract Enforceable Against a

Poor, Unfortunate Soul?

by Talbot Eckweiler


14 Elsa and Olaf: A New Kind of Mother and Child

by Batool Saad

16 A Different Kind of Cinderella Story

by Kelsey Brunette

17 Testate Succession: When Nobody Wants To Be a Cat

by Talbot Eckweiler

18 Gravity Grounded in Space Law

by Joshua Beurer


20 The Hobbit: A Tale of Terrible Torts

by Geoff McAleenan

23 An Examination of the Mutant Registration

Act of 1980

by Gabrielle Boyer

26 Kryptonian Crisis: The Not-so-Super Truth Regarding the Admissibility of Supergirl

by Kean Zimmerman

Jamie White

Marketing&Advertising Expert

Table of Contents

