Digital publication | Page 12

There are lots of people in need of clean water but some can not get clean water right away like some places. We have been inventing new things that helps our water clean but only some succeeded. Most of our clean water comes from nature, like the rivers and lakes, but some lakes and rivers are getting too polluted by us. Approximately 40% of the rivers in U.S are too polluted for fishing or swimming.

Water shortages will likely be a fact of life for most people on the planet within the next ten years. We can’t afford to pollute our water and destroy our water sources. But that's exactly what we're doing, without knowing.

Forest, wetlands and grasslands are nature’s water filter, but we are destroying nature's water filters. They keep erosion and pollution from flowing into our waters and they slow rainwater down, sending more water into underground supplies. But every year we lose 32 million acres of forest and that’s a lot of water filters done every year.