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Spencer West

"There is No can'ts,No won'ts only Hows?" -Spencer West

Spencer West is an amazing man who overcame his disability and all the obstacles that come with it. When Spencer West was born he was born with a severe deformity in his spine, this cost him his legs and everything pelvis down. This would have usually crushed any body else but for Spencer he hit the world with everything he had, he used to be a cheerleader and a high school actor. After every obstacle he tackled one of the biggest was climbing to the highest of Mount Kilimanjaro. Spencer did this to raise money for the Global Clean Water initiative. West went to Kenya for the sixth time in 2011 to volunteer on development projects.

Spencer's words made millions of people stand back up again when they fell down. They inspired people to make a difference and help make the world something better, something happier than the darker world we have right now. Through difficult times he made CHANGE he redefined POSSIBLE.