Wheaton College Alumni Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 28

o God with Us, Come! poetiC meditAtions by dr. Jill peláez bAUmGAertner,    the deAn oF hUmAnities And theoloGiCAl stUdies ,    meld with the prAyers And A hymn oF the ChUrCh    lonG pAst, to en riCh perso nAl , FAmily, And  Co n GreGAtio nAl worship dUrinG todAy ’ s seAson    the First Antiphon o wisdom, proceeding from the mouth of the Most High, pervading and permeating all creation, mightily ordering all things: come and teach us the way of prudence. oF Advent. the  meditAtion p             t Christmastime we sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” in joyful expectation of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This beloved hymn is the translation by John Mason Neale (1818-1866) of a 12th-century Latin hymn based on the “Great O Antiphons,” seven brief prayers of the ancient church. The precise origin of the O Antiphons is unknown, but their antiphonal, or responsive, nature has given them a place in liturgical church settings for centuries, particularly in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran traditions. The seven “Great O Antiphons” are intended for use during the final seven days of Advent (December 18-24). Each prayer addresses Christ the Messiah with a different Old Testament name that shows various facets of his Person and work: O Wisdom, O Adonai, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Dayspring, O King of the Nations, O Emmanuel. The sequence of the Antiphons progresses from Creation, through messianic prophecies, to the birth of Christ. Our hope is that these words would add to your worship and sense of wonder during the last seven days of Advent, as you celebrate the Incarnation of Christ the Lord and joyously anticipate his Second Coming. rudence is not a word we love. It inhibits our choice. We prefer the allure of tinsel and artifice, the relentless tug toward the flesh of a paltry beauty. And we inhabit a planet of uncertainty. Who is the friend and where the enemy, as we are pulled this way and that? We extend our hand or should we fight instead? Now Wisdom speaks, parsing, separating, reordering, steering us from quicksand’s brink, the enfleshed Word steady on firm terrain. We balance there between yes and no. We await him. Come, Lord Jesus. 26     w i n t e r   2 0 1 4