Voices Literary Magazine Edition 1 Voices Literary Magazine - Edition 2 | Seite 27

The ozone layer is getting poisoned every day by car fumes, airplanes, buses, big factories and many other things. Who knows how much longer it will last? 100 years? 200? 250? The planet has already has showed signs of being affected by pollution, with Global Warming. We don’t know how long the ozone layer will last, but one thing I do know is, we have to change the way we live!

All in all, we need to stop polluting our environment and support green living. I know you might think that it’s impossible to get everyone to recycle and not pollute, but don’t give up hope, I have many ways! If you were getting a new car, a sensible idea would be to buy a hybrid or another fuel-efficient automobile. Another thing you need to do is make each shower you take 5 minutes shorter. This way, we won’t as much coal, oil, gas, etc. to heat the water. Stop using so many paper towels and toilet paper! Instead of paper towels, use a re-usable rag. Also, don’t buy over-packaged items! In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg has asked all taxi drivers to use Hybrid cars and has made all water bottles have a thin plastic outside and a small cap, to use the least amount of plastic. If New York City is doing its share, you can too! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!