The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 35

NORTH DAKOTA ATTORNEY AUTHORS PARALEGAL TEXTBOOK By Jean Hannig You Need to Get TorTs and the Money You De- TorTs and Personal Injury law Personal Injury law for the Paralegal for the Paralegal serve.” This book is intended as a guide to assist consumers with the medical and legal challenges of a personal injury Richard N. Jeffries lawsuit. The book is available for distribution this fall after November 1. Jeffries continues to teach law at Minnesota State University Moorhead. He is co-teaching the Personal Injvury class with his former long-time paralegal, Terri Bourcy Smith. develoPIng workPlace skIlls Richard N. Jeffries This book presents a unique blend of traditional coverage of the law of Torts with a practical skill development approach. The goal of this text is to provide a framework for the paralegal graduate to “hit the ground running” in a Tort law practice from day one on the job. Coverage and Features: • Comprehensive Tort Law coverage: All areas of “Tort Law” as recommended by AAfPE for a model Torts course are addressed with special emphasis on those torts that are most prevalent in a modern personal injury practice. • Thorough discussions of medical and insurance issues provide a foundation of practical knowledge necessary to a Tort/personal injury law practice. • Workplace Skills Tips appear throughout the text to provide practical observations and suggestions to the student based on the author’s many years of torts and personal injury experience. • Hypothetical Case: Developing Workplace Skills exercises are placed at the conclusion of each chapter. Students work on a hypothetical case typically arising out of a law firm setting with the supervising attorney sending a memo or e-mail to the paralegal requesting the performance of a task essential to the case. All of these exercises are based on real-world cases. • Extensive Appendices contain actual documents the student will encounter on the job, such as retainer agreements, client questionnaires, HIPAA compliant medcal authorizations, sample letters, medical diagrams, medical terminology, medical abbreviations, first-party and third-party insurance documents, and an actual automobile insurance policy. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-291984-5 ISBN-10: 0-13-291984-2 9 TorTs and Personal Injury law for the Paralegal develoPIng workPlace skIlls Innovation. Jeffries received his B.A. in Business Administration from MSUM in 1965 and his Juris Doctorate with distinction from the University of North Dakota. He spent 37 year ??X?X?[??]?[??\???[?[??XY????[??][??\??X?X?H[?H\?X\????]?[]Y?][?\???[[??\?K?H?X?X?Y?]?[??\???\?H\??\?[?H]??\?H???Y???Y\????[???H[?[\??]\?[Y[??[? ? ?H?\??[YYHXY[??Z[??\??B?]??^K[??X?Z]?Y[?8?']??'H?][?? B?Y?\?]?Z[X?JH???HX\?[?[HX??[ ???Y???Y\?\?X?[??Y??X?X?H]?[?Z[??\??K??Z??K[???YK?H[????HYZ]Y??X?X?H[?\?^??K???Y???Y\?\??X?[?H??\]Y[??\??]?????\?\?[?KX????]?[?H]?Z[X?H??Y?[X^?????K?H]H?B?????\?8?'[??\?Y[?H?\?X??Y[??[???\????Y???Y\???X?\????Y???Y\?[?Y?[????\????[?H\?[Y?[\\?Y[?]Z[??\??B??]H[?]?\??]H[??XY \?]]?Y?H?]??][?\?H?]?^???????[??\???[[??\?K?H^????X?\?Y?B?X\???YX?][??X?[YH]?Z[X?H?][??YH[?\?[ ?H^??????\??\??^[??H?Y][?[\??X???\?XX?[??B??X??]\?]????H????[??Y\??X?X?[[??[?\??Y?Y[??^[??]?B?\[?X?\???\?H?HH?Y[? H\??\??[??YYX?[\??Y\?[?H\??\??[???[??\?[??H\??Y\??]?[]Y??[Y[???H\?X?[\?H[?\]YH[?[?[\?X???H????[??Y\?H][]YH?8?'???X?B???[?\??'H??Y??]XX??\\???[?]?[???[X??]HH][???B?^?????\?[]Z[??\??H?]H[?]?\??]H[??XY[?\?[ ?H\?[Y?[?\\?Y[?\?[?H??????\?[?\??[???]?[?[?????X?H??[??? L?LNN B????R??H?QP?PSS??T?UT?T???[???ZY\??????[?\?H?Y?H?B????\??YX?X[\??X??H?YY??\?Y[???Y?H?[X[HX?Y\???\[X?\? L? ? L???[??H?X?H\?\???]\??[??ZY ???Y???Y?H??ZY?[?\?]Y?\?[K??Y?????\??YX?X[\??X??Y?B??X????[?\??Y?K??K???Y??][?X?????Z?\?H?]???X?B????H?Y?H]?Y??[??????\? ?K?? L???H?]?[?[ ? L?????