The Landswoman August 1920

Vol. Ill .. No. 8 AUCUST, 1920 The Journal of the Land G· 1 1 d E .r an very Country woman Editorial and Advert'. 0 ISIOil fface.s • p · Lod --~~____;= · raory ile, Orpmgton, Kent. Harvest. • The Last Load [f. Lumdl. rlJoto. 1/nttSCtl. ] A LAND GIRL'S JOYS. H ,\ Y C roll b<'<' n wokt n up b\ thf" da\ itsrlf, nnd not the noi"'"t- rattle of \our alarum dock. " the tl<' tr dnv calltng- thrr•ugh. th• little lfadl'd p,m~ "'" In the noic;y whtsperin~ of the tr<'<'" agamc;t yout window, b\ tlw c;un dri\·ing slt'('p from \our 1'\<'..;, b\ th<' k('ttl<- w.dtinq- to bP boih'd to make !hat long-< d-for ~.· up o f tea. Oh , the jo\ of it, pour- ~g it out 111 tlw -..HR'rr a nd drinkii1g it c:lo\\ ly . ·for(' the c;tru~gle with \-Our boot->. Th<1t i" the JO): of a pc·rfp('p tn C\"<: r buttCH'up . . , ridin~ t h• r ... e into the pond, huldin~ \our hnnd-. to .t tite: the jo) of the wide open -.p:u "" .1111! n nro\\ \\ l,ult~". of \\ 1kin~ up bPftn it j., tunc, .uld tuaning- uwr to 'lh.p ag.tin: of ... un in lht" morning \\lwn ~nu lXp.·thd rain~ of rau1 .1fter dah of ... un : lh<> jo\ of a ki ... .-, ,1\t , nnd -.( mron<' to tollk to: of tbf' .\pril wind in the be<'ch tt·rt"' ru-,tling the 'ilkf'n folia~!', swe(·ptng ac ro'" t hf' ')l<)!W" of blu<'IY'll" :md dt•lic ,t t(' "ood ,uwnonw-., rocking thl• "'' <"pv-h•·adrd